Our Price

Intro offer

Intro offer

White uppercase letters spelling 'NEW' on a red brick wall background.

3 sessions $50
(2 weeks valid from first class)

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  • Five people standing in a field making heart shapes with their hands, facing away from the camera.

    5:1 Pilates

    One single session (1 month valid from the purchase date) : $60

    Monthly (1 month valid from first class)

    - 5 sessions: $275
    - 10 sessions: $500
    - 20 sessions: $900

    Special Bonus available
    : get 20% discount when you achieve all 20 sessions and
    buy another package for $720

    Yearly (12 months valid from first class)

    - 5 sessions: $375
    - 10 sessions: $700
    - 20 sessions: $1,300
    - 50 sessions: $3,000

    No refunds, extensions or rollovers available.

  • 6:1 Yoga & Mat

    One single session(1 month valid from the purchase date) : $45

    Monthly (1 month valid from first class)

     - 5 sessions: $200
     - 10 sessions: $350
     - 20 sessions: $600

    Special Bonus available
      : get 20% discount when they achieve all 20 sessions and buy another package $480

    No refunds, extensions or rollovers available

  • Person lying in a field of wildflowers looking up at the sky.

    1:1 Private

    One single session: $140 (1 month valid from the purchase date)

    10 sessions: $1,250 with 2 chiropractic sessions (60 days valid)

    20 sessions: $2,400 with 4 chiropractic sessions (183 days valid)

    30 sessions: $3,450 with 6 chiropractic sessions (183 days valid)

    50 sessions: $5,000 with 10 chiropractic sessions (365 days valid)

    No refunds, extensions or rollovers available.